Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Day 10 (7.20.10) - Despicable Me
I didn't post the other previous days cuz I forgot to and I forgot what I did...
basically the same thingg so on day 9, my brother and I came to auburn to visit our godfamily
but one godbrother is in korea and so we're hanging with the othher godbrother, Leo.
we came over and rly didn't dooo anything.. We slept over. Yadda yadda yadda.. And today, we went out and watched despicable me. It was so cute and funnyy. And we came bak to their house and I'm just doing nothing... Literally. I am so bored. All I did was read some pages in a book, lay down, do nothing, listen to shinee's new album. I love the songs.... And like so it's kinda boring.... Well that's the end of the day. Wen my dad ends work, he's guna pik us up. Anyways good byee
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Stupid Brother
Friday, July 16, 2010
Day 5(07.16.10) - Bleh
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Evil Lady from Day 4
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Day 4(07.14.10) - Big Bad Person
so i wake up, do the usual morning stuff... blah blah blah. get in the car. go to cash&carry (3
and to ura... urash... wait i dont remember the name. its a japanese store :D
but its cool there. i got the botan rice candy thing :DDD the sticker had like some kind of red ninja XD my brother had 2 weird birds.
then i ate... hm... 2 of the candies. my dad had 1 of mine. and then i dont remember what i did.
i played some pool and got called down to eat and it was yummy :P there was beef thingy, um egg thingy's, and seaweed soup and rice.
and then what did i do. i went back upstairs and saw my bro on the comp and watched south park with him. it was weird... and later i got called down. i dont remember whyy oh yeah the pictures on my dads comp all disappeared and i found them and put them back in their orginal gallery thing... and then we ate... i ate... i ate ssome pieces of cucumber that my dad was cutting. and then i i i i what did I doooo and then i ate a piece of tuna roll sushi thing with that one oasis roll topping on it. and then my brother was looking for my dad and i noticed he was gone. i continued playing pool and won several games.. been a while since i won. lost my touch or something. kept getting the 8 ball in!! DDD: and then.... i forgot what i did... i always forget ):O
and.. hm what elseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee blahh and then. then. ah i forget. i play some more pool and blah blah blah. then i eat one kkong gooksoo. this thing that has like no taste but supposed to be good for you. anyways. OMG i had like the most saddest experiece of the day today. it hapenned before the eating the thing with no taste
like this lady comes in. she is the most evilest lady of the day ):O
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
제빵왕 김탁구
Day 3(07.13.10) - Laughter
Monday, July 12, 2010
Day 2(07.12.10) - Stomach Aches
PS: i had a bottle of water, a bottle of lemonade, and a bottle of... crush orange soda. ugh i feel so soda-full or whatever. im guna drink only water and orange juice tomorrow. or ill try ):D
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Day 1(07.11.10) - Movies
So we give out dad a huge hug and we load our stuff in the trunk of his car. We drive out of the Seattle airport and go to his wonderful home. We mess around with the laptops a little and say hi to our uncle. We had decided to watch a movie and my dad wanted to watch the new Predator 4 movie. We go to H-mart, i think, and go to the food area and I eat bibimbap like my brother and uncle and my dad eats the seolungtang thing. after eating, we laeve and at 1:50, we start watching the movie at Century Sea Tac Mall. It's all right at first but gets better as the movie goes more into the climax. I fell asleep though. They were just talking and I was sleepy, but I wasn't really SLEEPING, but just.. closing my eyes and like dozing off for like 1 minute and waking up again and over and over again. I get all wide awake when it turns all crazy in the movie and I'm glad I did because it was pretty good. Kinda boring. So the movie ends and we get food from the food court. I got ice cream, chocolate chip in a waffle cone, my dad and uncle got strawberry. My brother got some Italian food and ate a chocolate ice cream waffle cone thing too. We leave the mall and head to the car but we did kind of feel the fresh air first. My dad was talking about watching another movie so we headed to the $2 movies where the tickets are only $2. That place is cheap because the movies played there aren't the new ones, it's the previous ones, so they change movies slower, but it's really awesome because there are some movies you might have wanted to watch but aren't in theaters anymore and you can just come to this place and watch it for 2 bucks. Anyways, we look at the movies playing: Splice, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Nightmare on Elm Street, etc etc. I wanted to watch Splice but my brother heard it was sucky. We decided on A Nightmare on Elm Street. There's only one room for each movie so you have to wait to go in. Anyways, there was a crane machine thing there called Sega... something. There was a doggy section and a cartoony section. I saw my uncle looking at the machine and saw him start playing it. I watched and soon, my brother came too. My uncle got a fireman dalmatian and the way he got it was weird. like the crane has only two little arm things so its harder, or maybe it's easier. But anyways, one arm got the top of the dog, and the other got the butt. It was hilarious. And cool. And then my brother tried, then failed. he tried again, then got the same stuffed animal, and he got it by the hat. The movie ends and the people file out. Then soon we go in and sit down in the SUPER ICE COLD THEATER ROOM! It was so cold! Anyways, the movie was reallyyyy good. I liked it. But a funny thing was that whenever something popped out, this lady somewhere in the theater would scream in this high pitched voice XD. Also, there was almost no one in there so I watched in a position that I would usually watch movies at home like XD. My uncle went to the car to get a blanket and jacket. Thank you :DD Anyways, after the movie, we ate Pho. Yumm :P They make it prettyy fast. We then went home and started going on the laptops again. My brother was on my dad's, and I was on mine. My dad and I watched The Karate Kid with Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith(Don't ask how we watched it >:D) and i skipped the beginning until the part where he starts looking for Jackie Chan to fix the water. Then I fell asleep. I already watched it in theaters so I already know how it goes and it got kind off boring. Anyways, I woke up near the end and my dad was still watching it. He told me to get ready for bed and after the movie ended, I brushed my teeth and showered. I got out and I started typing this. Today was a reallyyyy tiring day but it was reallyyyy fun because this is the first day I see my dad of the year :DD
PS: My thigh was so sore!!! It hurt to move and even walk so I kinda had to limp to get the pain to decrease. It was hard to sit at first and moving my legs was really painful. But still. I adjusted and got through the day with that sore. Stupid badminton. But it's too fun. I can't believe that I'm stopping the summer camp. Oh well. Cookie, teach me what you learned!! <3
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Salty Fish
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Happy Birthday Nichkhun!
Comment and get a Nichkhun birthday cookie!
PS. OMG HIM AND VICTORIA ON WE GOT MARRIED!! ITS SO CUTE!! CANT WAIT FOR THE FIRST EPISODE OF THEM!!! He looks hot with that hair XD and Vic looks really pretty and all shy >< XD so cute! I hope that they succeed in being a great couple like Jokwon and GaIn <3<3
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Weekend 6.5.10
comment and get a cookie :)
PS. Watched Avatar(the blue people one) and it was super good! so touching!!!
Beastly Image :D

Influenced by Siwon the awesome :D But ohmygawsh look at SUNGMINNIE'S ABS!
Major hotness :D I think it's very hot :D You guys may have seen more.... stronger looking six-packs but... you know... a six-pack is a six-pack :)
Leeteuk, Sungmin, and Eunhyuk... Right? Is the last one Hyukkie? I think so... Yeaps... Hm... Hi!
Haha Oh well :) I love this picture... hehe... I want to blow it up(make it bigger, not make it.. blow up) and paste it as my room wallpaper :D Hotness everywhere I look :D Who agrees!? I agree!!!!!!!
But seriously... Sungmin's Cute Image is slowly disappearing after I see him with a six-pack..
And his Cute Image is so important that I even capitalized it.. (That was an accident... It's because I had a proper noun before it... "Sungmin".....)
Super Junior Hankyung's Absence
I was roaming through kpoplive like I usually do just looking for some new news from them when I stumbled upon this article which I think is very touching and sweet. Hankyung, I hope you're doing well :) We miss you! Whaaa TT . TT
Credit to kpoplive! Click here for the article!
Although Super Junior is experiencing much success with their new single, BONAMANA, it is hard to ignore the emptiness created by the absence of three members. But recently, Super Junior finally spoke out about their beloved HanKyung!
With their new album and comeback, idol group Super Junior has been promoting with only ten out of its thirteen members. KiBum is busy with his acting career, while KangIn is preparing for his enlistment in the army. The third, and most controversial, is member HanKyung’s situation. Back in December, HanKyung filed a lawsuit against SM Entertainment and since been cut off from all communication with his fellow members.
One of the members most deeply affected by this ordeal was HeeChul. It was common knowledge to netizens and fans alike that HeeChul and HanKyung shared one of the closest friendships in Super Junior. They lived in the same dorm and had a whole collection of photos together on HeeChul’s minihompy.
Fans affectionately dubbed them the “HanChul” couple. HanKyung’s departure left HeeChul deeply mourning the loss. “I was in a big chaos. It was difficult for me to laugh on TV and dance on stage,” he says. “I had some lingering emotions. Since I did not meet any people, depression got worse. I had lived with HanKyung, drinked together and was really close. It was mentally difficult.” HeeChul has since recovered slightly from his depression, stating “Because he’s a friend, I despise him, feel sorry, upset. Even though I have many mixed emotions, I’ve become better now. I told HanKyung to come over when he gets married.”
HeeChul is not alone in his sadness. Leader LeeTeuk also spoke out about HanKyung’s absence. “Because we were always together, I think we forgot that he was a foreigner. We should have talked a lot but because we were busy we didn’t get to communicate often. It must have been difficult for him to have made that decision. I feel sorry.”
HeeChul also had other wise words for the public. He revealed that what he “learned after experiencing this is that we have to treat each other well when they are with us. We were able to feel the members’ preciousness.” LeeTeuk added to HeeChul’s advice by saying,With such love for all its members, we know Super Junior will be able to persevere through this ordeal!“I think we are working harder to fill the empty spaces of other members. There’s always a place for them. They just have to come back. We are going to work harder so that when they feel that they want to come back, they would be able to come back without any burden.“
Source: Sports Chosun
Translation: Minnie@sujuism.blogspot
Friday, June 4, 2010
Hey World!
comment and get some bloggy cookies!(I'm not bribing :D)